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WarriorSpiritAudio.com helps people use their hidden mind powers and ancient wisdom to achieve inspired goals. Ultimately, we help people live their lives more fully and with greater awareness of the mystery and magic of life. It’s not your typical self-help resource. It empowers individuals at a deeper level, at the core. By helping people strengthen their link with a higher force, the Warrior Spirit provides tools for real self-empowerment. Our mission is to help you live your life’s vision and attain your goals with greater ease and peace of mind. Mary Rivas is the founder of WarriorSpiritAudio.com and the author of The Warrior Spirit: How To Use Mind Powers & Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and Much More. Mary dedicates her life to helping people discover their true power and experience life-changing breakthroughs.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 2012 Wisdom Tips for Maintaining Balance

July 2012 is a month of growing pains, things going upside down, good surprises and great opportunities, challenging disappointments, and chances at every turn to adjust and readjust just about everything in your life. It is a great month to continue letting go consciously and proactively of anything that longer serves you. Expect the unexpected, take advantage of what shows up suddenly, and stay out of judgment when things don’t turn out exactly how you thought they would or should.

Think of yourself as shedding the skin of limitations connected to your beliefs and way of life. We are entering a new phase where the world is moving into a different set of patterns. If you expect the unexpected and welcome the differences, you will be less resistant to change and less at the effect of what occurs around you. You will need a great deal of patience as well as understanding and compassion, for yourself and for others this month. People will tend to get grumpy and irritated and not deal well with their disappointments and things going upside down. Everything that happens is for a reason. If your plumbing goes out or your car breaks down, instead of being angry and upset about it, do what you need to do with the attitude that the event represents something larger than just the breaking of the object. Consciously make an adjustment around the event eliminating resistance when possible. It won’t be easy, but if you stay awake and present, you will be rewarded.

The same attitude goes for opportunities that suddenly drop in your lap. Your immediate reaction may be, “I’m not ready, it’s too soon, I can’t, I don’t have the time, I can’t afford it, it’s too good to be true, etc.”. You may need to step up to the plate and adjust to this new opportunity. Perhaps something else will have to be eliminated out of your life so that you can take advantage of what is being offered. Your decision may create sudden change in someone else’s life. So be it. It is a mark of the times.

We always suggest trying to work with the energy instead of against it. This month that means truly paying attention to what you have created and what you continue to create and taking responsibility for it. It is a serious month, not meaning that you should be overly serious, but rather more responsible for yourself and your process. In fact it will be necessary to schedule some fun and recreation and to be disciplined about taking time for rest and community. Otherwise you may find it will be all too easy to get caught up in the seriousness of it all and you will get grumpy yourself.

The seriousness of the month has to do with responsibility. You will be called upon to revisit your sense of personal responsibility physically, emotionally and spiritually. Watch Martyrdom and the temptation to blame others. Watch Impatience especially with others that irritate you because they are not on the same wavelength. Don’t overly concern yourself with others and what they should be doing. Concern yourself with what you are doing and your own business. You and only you have worked yourself into your own situation and you will learn this month that you have the power to get yourself out of it and create something else if you really want to. Always ask yourself why you are doing something. Is it for you or is it for someone else? Is it necessary or not? Is it something you have committed to that feels like a necessary responsibility or is it just a pattern that you have become habitual with? Your insights will be illuminating and will prompt you to make adjustments and changes to some of your situations.

The main letting go of the month will have to do with your perceptions. Almost any belief or perception can be adjusted and will need constant adjusting this month in order to keep up with change. If you think you know something or know how it will turn out, toss that knowing out and make yourself available for a different experience. A good mantra for the month is “I do not know but I trust it will all be perfect”.
There is an aspect to this month that points to a movement towards more power if you can face the shadow. Each one of us will be called upon to readjust our relationship to power and what we consider dark or heavy or shadowed. Remember that the shamanic interpretation of what is dark or shadowed relates to what is hidden and unseen. What is unseen is also connected to power and a more potent source of it than what is seen. There will be more on this theme in the months to come.

At times this month you may experience a heavy or oppressive energy that feels burdensome. What you are sensing is the burden of the collective creation of the condition of the world we live in. The good news is that if you so successfully created this world with all of its experiences, you can certainly create another version. We are quickly outgrowing the present experience of life and as a snake that outgrows its skin, it is necessary for us to shed the skin of our creation so that we can grow into a larger experience. A shedding snake is irritable and grumpy. You may feel the same way. Be patient. It is a process.

Patience will be necessary especially after you have done a piece of personal growth work and have an expectation that you should feel great. Personal growth this month will inevitably put you into what is called a growth period where you could experience emotional, physical and spiritual growing pains. You could feel out of sorts, not like yourself, lethargic, emotional, angry, irritated, frustrated, spaced out, ungrounded, confused, heavy and chaotic. If you are on the right track and have been doing your personal work you need to trust that this too shall pass and tangible progress will occur.

Expect the unexpected, practice resiliency, flexibility and acceptance. Almost nothing this month is going to unfold how you originally thought, so surrender and adjust as needed and have fun anyway.

The above is an excerpt from the monthly forecast.

The author of this commentary, Lena Stevens, is the co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You.
Click here to access the full forecast on their website to help you strengthen your relationships, protect your health, relieve stress and learn about specific power days of the month.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Short Story On Self-Discovery and Realizing Our Vision

In my book The Warrior Spirit: How To Use Hidden Mind Powers and Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and Much More! I start with a story to help the reader remember how powerful he really is. We all have the Warrior Spirit within us. It is a force that guides us and helps us in infinite ways when we open our heart and spirit to it. Here’s the story:

The Unavoidable Meeting

A very distressed man seeks the help of a wise elder.

The somber man had tried everything yet nothing had alleviated his sorrow. His only hope now, he thought, was to get help from a powerful wise sage. He had heard amazing stories about this old sage—about his incredible powers to read minds, see into the future and become invisible. It was said that the old man was in his eighties but had the vitality and strength of a man of twenty.

There was a part of him that was skeptical about the sage’s rumored magical powers, but deep down inside he wanted to believe in miracles. The distraught man knew that he needed nothing short of a miracle to help him turn his life around. He was willing to go along with whatever the old one asked of him.His imagination went wild as he thought about what the sage might do.

He drove hours to meet the sage at his home in the desert. As the distressed man approached the sage’s house, he walked dragging his feet and looked down on the ground. Before he had a chance to knock on the door, the sage came out of his home and invited him for a walk in the desert. As they walked towards the east in the warm desert, the sad man could hardly contain himself.  He eagerly began telling the sage his sorrowful story.

“I lost my life savings in the stock market meltdown, I was fired soon after my investments collapsed, and, to make matters worse, I am single and lonely,” said the distressed man. The sage replied, “I see. So what do you think is the problem?”  The distressed man, feeling rather annoyed, replied, “What do you mean?  I just told you my problem.”  The sage shook his head, as if in disbelief and said, “This is the greatest opportunity you’ve ever had to unravel the secrets of personal power.  The trick is in what you continually choose.  You can either make yourself miserable or make yourself happy.  The amount of work is the same.” The distressed man looked confused and replied, “But how do I know what to choose?”

The sage suddenly stopped walking and looked at him straight in the eyes.  As he looked into the sage’s eyes, he felt like he was looking into an infinite tunnel. He heard the sage say “Listen to the faint voice within.  It’s always there to guide you.” As the sage turned away from him, he waved good bye and continued to walk deeper into the desert. He invited the distressed man to come back some day to tell him what he had learned from his choices.

See also at Facebook.com/UnlimitedInnerPower.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 2012 - Living Your Creativity & Vision

This month there are two themes that will be working together, Creativity and Vision.

This is not so much about creating anything on the physical but more about learning to be more creative in your attitude, approach to life, perception of reality and intention. It is said that 90 percent of artisan creativity is what happens on the astral plane (dream state) and by the time this creativity gets to the physical plane it has only 10 percent of the artisans energy behind it. Artisans are not usually attached to the end result of their creativity as much as they are attached to the creative process. It is everyone else around them that is usually way more attached to what that artisan has created.

A good deal of the month will be about letting go of your attachments to how things should be done and your perception of the process needed to create certain things in life. It is about releasing your judgments and becoming neutral in order to hold duality and polarization in a new light. You need to view them neutrally as part of the same tapestry of life and as perfect in their order. This will also mitigate your reactions, as reactions are never neutral and always lead to a fixed position which blocks creativity. It is also imperative for you to become more and more flexible as a necessary ingredient to maximizing your ability to be as creative as you need to be in this time of great change.

You will notice that wherever you are attached to a certain way things should be done or a certain habitual practice or set of rules, your creativity in this area is limited. The more rigid you are, the less creative. Even an artist that produces the same perfect art over and over again may be expressing more productivity rather than true creativity. Observe where you have become habitual perhaps producing the same thing over and over again. Contemplate expanding the possibilities of how that process could change.

There are two elements this month that you should try and include in your environment and your experience whenever possible. Beauty is extremely important as an agent of inspiration. Beauty is different for everyone but you all know when you are around it. It could come through sound, vision, physical sensation or smell. Beauty makes higher centered experiences possible and inspires creativity.

Another important element is Sensuality in terms of awakening and expanding your Senses, becoming more Sensitive to your environment and more present with how you react to and absorb stimuli from nature, other people, temperature, air, sun etc. The more you develop your sensitivity, the more heightened your experience of Beauty will be, which inspires your creativity. Try and spend some time being with how the sun feels on your skin or the breeze on your face or what the smell of good cooking does to your emotions. Bask in a beautiful sunset and open your sense of sight to the energy behind all living things. The gist of the times is that we can step into a richer, deeper and dimensionally fuller experience of life if we are ready.

What is Creativity?

Creativity is a potent and fluid energy that moves you to perceive what is possible outside your seemingly fixed reality. A creative chef will always experiment with a set of ingredients, combining them in new ways to achieve a new taste that is stimulating to the senses and expresses beauty. The most creative chefs work intuitively and without tried and true recipes. And sometimes they fail, but often they end up creating new and wonderful recipes for others to follow.

In exploring creativity you have to be comfortable with an experiment gone bad as long as you acknowledge that it did not work and move on to something else. Some of the worst dressed people are artisans and the hideous fashion statements we see are all due to artisan creativity and experimentation. However some of the best corporate managers are also artisans as they can think outside the box to problem solve and lead their team into new innovations through their creative vision.

This year all of us have the opportunity to put on the artisan hat, problem solve by thinking outside the box, and take ourselves beyond the confines of the old paradigm to a new level of vibration, a new vision and an expanded sense of what is possible. The challenge for many of you may be the feeling of loss of focus, structure and direction, and the fear that you will be sucked into the quicksand of creative chaos. Nostalgia for what has been before is a real experience this month as we let go more and more of the old paradigm. There has been a certain comfort in the known routines even if they did lack inspiration and creativity. This could come for you this month as a non-specific sadness and even a sense of depression.

Creativity and destructions are two sides to the same coin. You cannot have one without the other. So as you contemplate expending your creativity, be prepared for something to dissolve to make way for that expansion. If you approach this with flexibility and willingness and beauty and sensuality, it will be much easier than if you resist. Both the destructive and creative aspects of the month will show up from explosive to more subtle so be prepared.

Where does Vision fit in?

Vision is related to intention but it is what comes before intention. It is a grasp of the direction your creativity wishes to take you. If the creative source is the feminine, Vision is the approach of the masculine offering to take creativity into form. The whole process this month is about reversing our imprint of how things actually work. Many of us have been taught that you have to have the vision first and then you set your intention and then you infuse that intention with creativity to make it happen. That puts the masculine first and the feminine second. And therein lies the disconnect.

Pure unorganized creativity, the void, chaos, inspiration and beauty have to come first. We must become comfortable with this space of holding all possibilities without form. Then the vision and intention and organization will follow naturally and without any effort. Chaos never remains unorganized for long. This is one of the principles of the universe and we must let go of our need to always control the chaos we perceive around us. The need to control chaos is rooted in the fear of the feminine and thus breeds a fear of creativity, destruction and change.

This space of holding creativity without form may be uncomfortable for many of you, but if you resist the urge to control it you will be rewarded with Vision coming in its own time. Vision is not necessarily intellectually clear. In fact is will be more potent if it is emotionally or intuitively clear. You may not understand intellectually what you are feeling or sensing but it will seem right. Learn to follow a new set of signals and guiding principles. And remember that help is always around.

The above is an excerpt from the monthly forecast.  The author of this commentary, Lena Stevens, is the co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and has written extensively about tips to increase personal energy.

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 2012 – It’s Time to Really Commit To What You Want

The theme for May 2012 is commitment…but it’s probably not what you’re thinking…

Commitment is removing the back door, the escape route and the words “if”, “maybe” and “when” from your vocabulary. Commitment is moving into your future with no turning back and no escape hatch. Commitment is eliminating the worry and anxiety that comes with ambivalence, doubt, consideration and “too much thinking”. Commitment is a natural segway of any bid for power. A bid for power without a proper commitment to launch it is not a serious bid for power.

If your bid for power is to stop smoking, you can’t qualify it with “if I find the right program” or “when I get more of a handle on my life” or “maybe next week”. No, if you want to stop smoking you stop right now. You make a commitment that goes along with your bid for power. Once you commit 100 percent, then the program or other support will show up and you will begin to get a handle on your life.

It is the same thing for relationships or work or health. If your bid for power is to make a change in the direction that is better for you, then do it now without procrastination and without the ability to sneak out if it does not work. Most of the reason for something not working out is your lack of true commitment to it. All of you have made some bid for power last month whether you are aware of it or not. This is the month where you either commit to it or choose a new one that you can commit to.

There are two types of Commitment: Commitment that is unconscious and manifested by your actions rather than what you verbally intend.  And commitment that is consciously and deliberately planned for and chosen. The unconscious commitment is the one you may not be aware of but everyone else is by your actions around it.

A good example is someone who complains and complains about the nature of their relationship because it is not a good fit, and says they want something else, but ends up staying in the same relationship “until something better comes along”. This is not a serious bid for power for a new relationship and certainly not the way spirit works. This example is showing an action that the universe reads as a commitment and therefore will not provide another “better relationship” to take its place while the action shows a commitment to the current one. So this person may think they are bidding to change their circumstance but as long as they stay in the current relationship they are not serious about the change. If you are truly committed to changing your relationship dynamics you must show you are serious by becoming conscious about the ways you are showing commitment to the things you say you do not want.

Another example may be the person who says, I am on a diet, I intend to lose weight and really should not eat this piece of cake and then proceeds to eat it anyway. Are they serious about their bid for power to lose weight? Where is the commitment? Another example is the bid for power to have more fun and make more time for self. However if the person continues adding things that are not fun to their plate, they are showing by their actions that they are not truly committed to their intention and guess what, spirit will always give you more of what you are putting your energy into. This person may likely say, “I will make time when things slow down.” This is not good enough for spirit, as it is a conditional commitment and shows through action that the real commitment is something different than the spoken intention.

True commitment is unconditional, something we are not used to having or working with. Conditions create the “ifs”, “whens”, and “maybes” in our vocabulary. Placing conditions on your bid for power waters down the commitment to it and is like putting only your big toe in the water when you really intended to take a swim. Hesitancy, doubt, confusion, ambivalence, worry, anxiety, fear and mistrust, all take their toll on your ability to commit to something cleanly and clearly.

There are other ways that unconscious commitment manifests itself. If you get pregnant and decide you are keeping the child, you are committing to the relationship of being a parent. How many parents have there been that have never really consciously committed to this huge bid for power? And how many interesting and karmic issues are being dealt with and untangled because of it.

We could also say that just by being born you have committed to being on this planet, which is in itself a bid for power. Many of you out there are still a bit ambivalent about that one, and until you truly commit to being here, spirit will not support you in the most powerful way. You could say it was not your choice to be here, your parents decided it for you and so on… That is giving your power away and allowing Martyrdom to rule. The Martyrdom we have plaguing us this year is actually providing us with an opportunity to eliminate the inner victim by taking responsibility for our lives and our bids for power, and committing to what we want through our actions as adults. We also need to stop blaming others for things that don’t work out.

Look at your life and see if you can identify the commitments you find yourself in due to either taking action or not taking action. If you can’t in good conscience choose them as conscious commitments you have work to do. It is OK to eliminate or change the bids for power they represent as long as you communicate this clearly and are 100 percent committed to your withdrawing. If however you identify a commitment you were unconscious about but really want to keep then consciously commit to it 100 percent and you will see a big difference in how spirit begins to support your decision and that bid for power. Remember you do not have to know all the details of how things will manifest or what steps will show up. Your commitment is enough.

The opportunities this month:

Commitment, certainty, clarity, expansion, abundance, movement, manifestation, direction, support, insight and fulfillment.

The above is an excerpt from the monthly forecast.  The author of this commentary, Lena Stevens, is the co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and has written extensively about tips to increase personal energy.

Click here to access the full forecast.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 2012 – Are You Ready To Make A Bid For Power?

The main theme for April is POWER.

This month you will get to look at all things related to power. All of your old patterns, belief systems, reactions, experiences, trust or mistrust, resistance, desire, access; all of it is up for observation, recapitulation, clearing, re-defining, clarifying and re-negotiating. This is the opportunity to free yourself from your old beliefs about power and the old paradigm in which those beliefs live. You will be able to look at your self-imposed limitations, hopefully clear them, and make some bids for power this month that will move you into your next level of expansion and evolution.

Everything this month will be powerful. From events to reactions and personal experiences, everything is potentiated with a greater energy and vitality. For many of you this will come as an exciting and welcome opportunity for moving ahead with your dreams and goals. For some of you this may be a difficult time of resistance and feeling overwhelmed, especially if you are not used to handling large amounts of energy.

The instinctive center continues to regurgitate material that needs to be looked at and in most cases discarded without giving it too much power. If you are reacting strongly in a negative or confused way, that does not seem to have any connection to what is going on currently in your life, you can be sure it is instinctive material from the past that is still somehow running the show and getting in the way of all your great possibilities. It is important that you not judge what is coming up but rather see it as a positive opportunity to do some more deep cleaning and clearing. Acknowledge it for what it is; old stuff, and let it go.

Martyrdom is also up in spades this month as people grapple with the “why” of feeling powerless. Even if martyrdom is not your personal obstacle, you may feel it some. Beneath all martyrdom is anger so you need to be aware of your reactions as well as the reactions of others. You may witness some pretty bad behavior out there this month with blame, jealousy and aggression especially among the younger souls. Have compassion, curb your own reactions and don’t take anything personally. The martyrdom will especially show up around failed bids for power.

What is a bid for power?

A bid for power is a decision and action taken towards something you want in your life. It is usually very exciting and a bit scary and it definitely pushes the envelope of your comfort zone. It always takes you into the unknown territory of doing something for the first time. It requires an element of courage and some risk. The bid can be about work, relationship, personal growth, health, knowledge, leadership, personal environment, finances, responsibility and/or many other things. Being decisive and taking action are the operative words. True bids for power do not usually rest only on words. The action is necessary.

The universe is very responsive to a true bid for power. You will quickly find out whether or not you are ready, or if the bid is important enough for your essence goals to be viable. Whenever you make a bid for power, you will always be tested. The test itself will tell you if you are on the right track. What can get in the way of a bid for power? Not being ready, or making the bid from a place of arrogance or impatience, or the bid being based on someone else’s dream.

There are many stories of people being offered what looks like the perfect situation and then backing away at the last minute because it is not what they really want. There are equally as many stories of people trying something and failing because they were not ready. It is important to hold all failures as trial runs and opportunities for learning. It is not ok to sit around and do nothing in these times. They require you to be active in working with power and to make concrete decisions and choices about how you will step forward into more power.

It is important to understand that in these times, healing will take place no matter what. So it is up to you. You can be in resistance to it, which will cause pain and suffering, or you can get on with the program. Part of the healing is the healing of the masculine that is connected with the understanding and use/abuse of power up to this point. A great forgiveness is called for to release the masculine principle from the role it has served over these past centuries. It has done its job of anchoring the physical plane and all of its concrete belief systems but now the times have changed and we need to liberate the construct if we are to move on. On a personal level, the healing is about healing your relationship to power and forgiving everything that has compromised your relationship with your own power.

We need to clarify the definition of what power is.

Power is an energy. It is an enhanced ability to manifest. It is knowledge, ability, wisdom, well-being and inner security. True power is something no one can take from you. So true power is never anything external that can be de-valued or repossessed. Power is your health, talent, service, higher mind, ability to love and to be neutral, your creativity and ability to understand and work with the quantum field. The more you understand about power this month the better advantage you will have to take of the opportunities. It is a good exercise to contemplate all of your beliefs about power; powerful people, powerful events, how you define your own power, how you interact with power, how you resist or embrace it, your fear of power or your fear of power in others. Ask yourself if you are still in an old paradigm and what may need to change.

You may have been told in the past that in order to become more powerful it is a good idea to spend time around powerful people. This is still true, but with the distinction that the more powerful person should be in their true power, their inner power. It is also helpful to spend time with and around powerful allies, places, elements and nature. If you do this with intention, acknowledgement, presence and gratitude, you will gain much in the way of more personal power. One of the best ways you can empower yourself is by spending time in nature and in contemplation. There is no competition and no ego involved. We always recommend solo time as a practice to become more powerful.

There is an element of tension this month that can manifest either negatively or positively. Tension builds energy that can either show up as irritability and aggression or be a productive manifestation of a bid for power. Because of the tension it is advisable that you have an outlet for the moving center this month. Make sure to get enough regular exercise that you can put some aggression behind. Otherwise you will find yourself not sleeping well and being agitated about unimportant things.

Pay attention to where your thoughts go this month. Remember that the universe is very receptive and will feed you back what you put out. If you are getting garbage, you are giving garbage. Watch where your thoughts get hung up, as this is a powerful time to clean up your thoughts and beliefs. If you find yourself in a funk, ask yourself what you may have been putting out that created it instead of what something out there did to you to put you in that state. Reworking the mental process and waking up the higher mind takes discipline and focus. No one said it was going to be easy but it will be incredibly rewarding. Ask and you shall receive!

The challenges this month:

Feeling and experiencing: Martyrdom, blame, feeling powerless, stuck, despairing, angry, resentful, agitated, overwhelmed, confused, and like a complete failure.

The opportunities this month:

Getting over yourself, becoming more powerful, releasing old beliefs, becoming free of other’s expectations, manifesting in a big way, learning some lessons once and for all, becoming available for all the gifts and opportunities.

Helpful practices:

Spend time with that and those of more power than you

Pay close attention to what is coming up and deal with it accordingly

Keep things moving, exercise daily

Don’t take anything personally

Make a bid for power somewhere in your life.

Print out the 2012 forecast and highlight what calls out to you.  The above is an excerpt from the monthly forecast.  The author of this commentary, Lena Stevens, is the co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.

Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and has written extensively about tips to increase personal energy.

Click here to access the full forecast to help you strengthen your relationships, health, relieve stress and learn about specific power days of the month.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Use Your Mind Powers Even If You Don't Meditate | Meditating Secret

Do you know that you can easily get all the benefits of meditation without "meditating"?

So what kind of benefits am I talking about?

*Increased mental abilities, learning abilities and concentration...

*Greater creativity, Ah-ha! experiences and increased intuition…

*Release of emotional blockages that sap your energy…

*Elimination of stress and stress-related symptoms such as sleeping problems, anxiety and frustration...

*Delay or reverse the aging process…

*AND Greater ability to manifest what you want...

In deep meditative states, you experience profound levels of relaxation and your brain wave patterns slow down. As your mind quiets down, you enter deep mind states that have amazing powers.   You can accelerate physical and emotional healing in ways that will absolutely amaze you.

Many people have the false belief that the only way to experience the benefits of meditation is to actually “meditate.”  A common misconception is that you need to sit in a certain position or repeat specific sounds AND do this for years before you get noticeable results.  There are types of meditative practices that you can do even while you walk.

Shamanic journeying is a powerful practice that you can do to experience the benefits of meditating without actually meditating.  You can learn this meditative-type practice easily and quickly--without spending months or years to gain the benefits.


Do you know that people who do meditating practices tend to have stronger problem-solving abilities than those who don’t?  They also tend to have increased creativity, concentration abilities and greater mental clarity.  Many scientists believe that in deeper mind states, we have the potential to use far more of our minds than the 10% that we commonly use.


Not only that, people who regularly experience deeper mind states through some form of meditating practice, also tend to have less fears, anxiety, frustration and sadness.
So what happens when you feel better emotionally?  You benefit from more satisfying personal and work relationships and an overall greater sense of well-being.


Do you know that each time you experience deep meditative states, your physical body undergoes amazing transformation?

Medical researchers have found that slower brain wave patterns, triggered by states of deep relaxation in meditating practices, dramatically affect the production of three important hormones related to both increased longevity and physical well-being: Cortisol, DHEA, and melatonin.

1. Cortisol is the major age-accelerating hormone within the brain, and has received a lot of attention recently due to Dr. Perricone’s anti-aging research. In deep states of relaxation, your cortisol level goes way down, which is good.

2. DHEA levels affect aging.  When DHEA levels are low, you age faster and are more susceptible to disease. You want higher DHEA levels to slow down again. Deeper mind states produce greater levels of DHEA.

3.  Melatonin is a hormone that helps to create deep, restful sleep.  It contributes to rejuvenation and slows down the aging process.  Melatonin increases in states of deep relaxation.

In slower brainwave patterns, the brain also produces increased levels of many beneficial brain chemicals, such as pleasure-causing endorphins that melt stress away.  So you can have greater happiness in your life when you learn how to quiet your mind!

A whole new world opens up to you when you learn to quiet your mind.


You can even manifest faster when you regularly do meditating practices.  Why does manifesting speed up when using deeper mind states?

In slower brain wave patterns, your typical mind filters are bypassed and your affirmations and envisioning go directly to your sub-conscious mind. When an idea takes root in deeper mind states, you create changes at a deep level.

The more you quiet your mind and access deeper levels of consciousness, the more you can access infinite knowledge…the more you can access that inner voice that’s always there to guide you in your life. 

Click here to see the video.

To learn more about this meditative practice or to get started journeying, visit the website link.

P.S.  Please share this post with friends and anyone you think can benefit from this information.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Do You Want to Delay Aging and Have More Pleasure?

Did you know that you can easily get the benefits of meditating without meditating?

Each time you experience deep meditative states, your physical body undergoes amazing transformation.

Scientists have proven that in profound states of mind and body relaxation age-accelerating hormones dramatically decrease!

Click here to read some amazing research results about how states of deep relaxation can not only delay or even reverse the aging process but also protect your body from harmful biochemicals produced by stress.  I think you will find this read very informative, helpful and important!.  During these stressful times, we need all the tools we can get!

Yes, you can improve your health while experience pleasurable states.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 2012 Forecast–What are your opportunities this month?

The main theme for March is Opportunity.

The action of this month and of the moving centered year demands you have a plan. Wishing and intending is not enough. You have to do something for what you want. The universe will respond to action this month and you can be incredibly productive and prosperous if you just get off the couch. So if you want to get better at something or learn a new skill or manifest a new relationship, you have to take action. This is a dynamic month of connectivity, exchange and movement and there is opportunity around every corner.

Say yes to what you may not have considered in the past, take a practical risk, and go for transformation whenever possible. Whatever you think you cannot do, give yourself the opportunity to do it.

Because there is more stability this month, the physical universe has the opportunity to organize itself in a new way. In the wake of things coming apart in the last couple of months, there is a new order emerging that you may not recognize yet, but it feels right. Go with your intuition. Your commitments and action will find solid ground this month and you will be rewarded for the steps you take beyond your imagined limitations. Opportunity means a second, third and fourth chance to reconfigure, rework, rekindle and reconnect. Do not waste the month. Take action and do something.

What if what you try is not the right thing? So what? The universe has received the message that you are willing to try so it will support you to try again and again until what you have is different. The main thing is not to sit around and wait for something to fall into your lap. Be proactive with your evolution and growth. If your life if not what you want it to be, change it.

Once you decide to break loose of something that does not work, you will be amazed at the opportunities that show up. This is a new paradigm. It says believe and take action and then you will see the results, rather than see it first and then take action and then believe the results.

This is also the month we can consider a time of birth due to the spring equinox. It is a powerful equinox this year and truly supports practical transformation on all levels. Consider that this can be the birth of something new: a lifting of limiting beliefs and an expanded awareness of what is possible. You have seen in the past how fickle your reactions are. What has seemed impossible or not doable becomes possible if only you wait until the intensity of the impossibility subsides. It is so with everything. Any strong reaction is charged with the fear of loss, the fear of failure, or the fear of death. And any strong reaction is connected to attachment of some kind. If you give it time, and wait long enough, the intensity dissolves and you are back at neutral and able to move the situation forward onto a new platform. This is a very good practice and will help to diminish the effects of impatience and martyrdom. Try it.

The body is a gift and a curse this month. It becomes clear that the body has to come along on this path of practical transformation or you won’t get very far. Your physical body is the most practical and solid tool in your toolbox for this lifetime and it will dictate what it wants and it will show you exactly where your work with it is. This month you will either take the relationship with your body to a new more inspired level or the body will take you down. It is important to give the body every opportunity to transcend the collective agreement about what it is capable of and to support it to reach another level of functioning. Listen to your body and don’t believe everything others tell you. This is your opportunity to reset your relationship with your body in a way that works better for both of you. The opportunity is huge for healing, power, strength and manifesting. You should be inspired and committed to support the body in a new and more disciplined way.

The challenges this month:

>You could find yourself feeling deflated and overwhelmed and running old tapes of “It’s too much, I can’t do it”.

>You could fall into judgment and a lot of negative thinking. Your mind could sabotage feelings of well being by inserting the need to control.

>You could succumb to crisis and see it as bigger than life with no way out.

>You could be quick to anger, resentment and martyrdom with impatience just on the other side.

>You could just give up, not in a good way where you give it over to spirit but in a way that is victimized and blaming.

>You could become a couch potato, lethargic and apathetic with a bad attitude.

The opportunities this month:

>You could experience life from a different parallel.

>You could feel neutral about situations and events that were previously charged.

>You could reach new levels of power, understanding and transformation.

>You could manifest great prosperity and luck.

>You could turn all of your challenges into opportunities.

>You could eliminate fear through action and risk.

Helpful practices:

*See everything as an opportunity and remind yourself of this every day.

*Be patient, listen, and wait for things to shift in their right timing.

*Take some action every day that shows you are serious about doing something towards your intentions and goals.

*Make a plan and be willing to adjust it frequently to meet the elastic nature of the times.

*Talk to your body, pay attention to it, work with it and give it what it needs.

*Do something every day that shows the spirit you are serious about your practical transformation and that you are willing to move forward and into opportunity instead of backing away. Take a risk, don’t look back.

Print out the 2012 forecast and highlight what calls out to you.  The above is an excerpt from the monthly forecast.  The author of this commentary, Lena Stevens, is the co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.

Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and has written extensively about tips to increase personal energy.

Click here to access the full March 2012 forecast to help you strengthen your relationships, health, relieve stress and learn about specific power days of the month.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Energy and Influences For February 2012

This month requires a certain circulation of energy so that things don’t get stuck. There could be a tendency for you to become mired in the quicksand of the instinctive center, afraid to move forward, sideways or backwards. You could be like a deer in headlights, frozen in fear and not knowing where to turn so you just dig in, close your eyes, and hope it will go away. It won’t. Not this month.

In a river if you get caught in an eddy, you have to paddle backwards upstream to get back into the current. If you are facing an obstacle sometimes it is prudent to back away from it so you can choose another route around it. There is grace to moving energy when it winds curvaceously around and does not follow a straight line. Likewise you should approach your life this month like a marshal arts dance, offering no resistance but stepping sideways, backwards and forwards following the flow of events.

This month we definitely feel the instinctive part of the moving center. The bottom of the barrel of the subconscious is being scraped and scoured and a lot of instinctive residue is floating to the surface. It is imperative that you do not get riveted on this subconscious matter or blow it out of proportion. It is easy to get bogged down in feeling victimized or other feelings that drain personal energy when you are facing old patterns, and the past has come up to haunt you.

The good news is that certain situations and experiences will force you to look at who you are and what you want for yourself. There is desire to dissolve what’s old and break free of it once and for all. The not so good news however, is that there may be some karmic debts to pay along the way before the freedom can be realized and this may be uncomfortable especially for the ego. It is a month of taking responsibility for what you have stored in that barrel as only you can, and allowing yourself forgiveness and compassion; allowing yourself to give it up and turn it over to spirit so you can start creating something new and wonderful in its place.

A ski instructor once pointed out that in order to make a good easy fluid turn on the snow, you must first finish the last turn and then completely unweight your skis and get off the edges. Only then can you gracefully fall into the next turn. The weight of the fall into the next turn sets your edges into the new direction until you are ready to turn again. And you keep it moving. If you are headed straight for an obstacle it is counter intuitive to completely let go of the weight that gives you your edge and your stability. However if you don’t, you will end up running into the obstacle and turning away will be that much harder. And if you fall it makes it even more difficult to do anything. I thought this was such a great analogy to how change should happen.

If you want to change direction you need to unweight your attachment, give it all up, and fall into the next direction with no effort but one hundred percent commitment. Those who are hunkered down in their old patterns and too afraid to let go will certainly run into the obstacles and end up crashing and falling down.

The theme of “keep it moving” is important in the face of all the things that could become fixations in the amount of energy they take. Beware of fixating on judgments, things you think you know, things you think you don’t know, having it a certain way, concrete plans, beliefs about yourself, beliefs about others, beliefs about the world, and especially judgments directed at self around some of the instinctive material surfacing from the bottom of the barrel. Some of you may be going through some hard lessons this month and will need to remember to stay in integrity and to give it over to spirit. Unweight yourself from your story and your position, and any righteousness, expectation, blame and disappointment. Once you are free, and increase your energy, you can look at all the creative terrain available to you and fall gracefully into the next direction.

The theme of keep it moving is important on all levels not just around psychological issues. Keep the body moving with energy–walking, dancing, swimming, biking, skiing, chi gung, taichi etc. Keep your mind moving by watching that you don’t get stuck on one set of thoughts or ideas. (Remember that thoughts and ideas are energy).  It is good to keep asking, “what if?” questions and to stretch yourself to think outside the box. This is a highly creative month full of energy that you can use to your advantage.

Emotionally you can keep things moving as well by not becoming attached to your reactions to situations. Allow yourself to feel, and then to feel differently, and yet again to feel something else. Be flexible, be very, very flexible, and ready to unweight yourself at any moment in order to choose that next turn with grace and ease and confidence.

Another important aspect of the month we will be dealing with is Boundaries. Because there is both a desire and support for dissolving old patterns that deplete your energy as well as for moving ourselves to a higher spiritual plane, the issue of boundaries will definitely be revisited. The dissolving nature of the times wants to eliminate boundaries. It wants to loosen the imprisoning nature of artificial boundaries that have caused separation and isolation. It wants to dissolve the limitations and structures that have been upheld and supported by boundaries. It wants to move us with compassion into a higher spirituality where we can experience being one and not separate.

This is critical territory as good personal boundaries are essential in discerning what is yours and what is not. How do you allow yourself the experience of being one and not separate while still having good boundaries?

It is important to learn to be discriminating which begins by knowing yourself better. Through your lessons learning what works, what does not work, what is yours, what is not, who you are, who you are not, and what your personal dreams are as opposed to someone else’s. We mentioned responsibility. Being responsible for your own discipline of following through with what you said you wanted is a personal boundary. If you make a decision a choice or set an intention, your own follow through is a personal boundary you set with yourself. You take responsibility for what you said you wanted. This month the desire for better boundaries may be in reaction to the dissolving of existing boundaries and stuck energy.

It is a heart-centered time and a real opening to spirit is possible despite the movement and instinctive aspects. A yearning for connection and community is also in the air. So always remember to come from your heart whether you are dissolving or setting boundaries or learning hard lessons or making graceful turns of change. Approach everything with compassion and optimism. It really is a spectacular time we are in of such opportunity for keeping energy moving in the right direction and increasing personal energy.

Print out the 2012 forecast and highlight what calls out to you. The above is an excerpt from the monthly forecast. The author of this commentary, Lena Stevens, is the co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.

Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and has written extensively about tips to increase personal energy.

Click here to access the full February 2012 forecast to help you strengthen your relationships, health, relieve stress and increase your energy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 Forecast For January and Wisdom Tips

The January 2012 forecast can not only empower you with wisdom, it can help you relieve stress and feel more balanced this month and in the rest of 2012.

Get ready for 2012. We’re entering a year of unprecedented opportunities for conscious evolution and transformation. But we need to choose wisely.

The main theme for the January 2012 forecast is Destabilization. The secondary attributes are Interruption and Disruption.

In the first month of 2012, you will experience a movement and destabilization that will feel initially like everything is out of balance. Think of how it would feel if you were standing on solid ground and suddenly the horizon tipped or the earth moved slightly. Those of you who have experienced an earthquake may be somewhat familiar with that feeling. What happens is that the instinctive center opens up, releasing all of your survival information all at once in order to give you access to what might be useful to navigate the situation.

When the instinctive center opens up, it may cause temporary anxiety and a sensation of danger. It can also bring up old fears that have long been buried. There could also be an adrenalin rush or a sense of physical discomfort where relaxation seems impossible. Reactions could also include a loss of appetite or unconscious binge eating. It is an upset due to what has seemed stable being turned sideways.

Destabilization can show up in many aspects of your life and we would like to point out that the purpose of it is positive in the end. Your experience of this month will be directly related to how you accept, navigate and allow for the disruption. You will have an opportunity to move yourself from one experience into another through the rip in the fabric of your own stability that the disruption has caused.

Here are some examples of what we are talking about:

Suppose you had a job with a company you thought was very stable and you had a plan for your future that was based on this stability. If suddenly you found out that the company was closing and you were going to be out of a job, you would feel destabilized and stress. The stable fabric of your life and your plans for the future would rip apart. The image here would be that rather than trying to sew up or mend the rip, you would go through the opening or portal that it has created in order to see what is on the other side. Working with destabilization proactively takes courage and a certain trust that everything happens for a reason and that there is always opportunity on the other side. Beware of falling into Martyrdom and stress around what happens and use these events as messages to move forward.

January 1-8, 2012 Forecast:

A time of preparation. The currents are changing but still sufficiently deep that they are not yet affecting what is on the surface. There are deep rumblings underground and in the subconscious of the collective that are also not yet felt on the surface but that are setting us up for a destabilized time. Get your ducks in a row. Have strong intentions but be flexible. Take the stance of a martial artist whose stability and power depends on their ability to move with the energy rather than against it. If you have an intuition about something about to change that requires some action from you, don’t wait to take action or make a decision. Do it now. Take control over your life rather than allow stress to control you. This 2012 forecast will help you to become more aware and prepare yourself.

Some of you may experience something intruding on your stability right from the beginning. Use it as a template to position yourself to be ready to dance. If you are feeling stuck and stagnant or stress at this time, do some of the practices to move your energy forward. Be proactive. You have the power to dissipate stress.

Click here to access the full January 2012 forecast commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health, relieve stress and more. Print out the full 2012 forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary).

The author of the monthly 2012 forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom. Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism: Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life.

P.S. If you feel stress want to relieve stress, one thing you can do is reread this 2012 forecast, focus on the message you resonate with and DO some of the practices this month and in the remainder of 2012. Also, consider buying their annual 2012 forecast.