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WarriorSpiritAudio.com helps people use their hidden mind powers and ancient wisdom to achieve inspired goals. Ultimately, we help people live their lives more fully and with greater awareness of the mystery and magic of life. It’s not your typical self-help resource. It empowers individuals at a deeper level, at the core. By helping people strengthen their link with a higher force, the Warrior Spirit provides tools for real self-empowerment. Our mission is to help you live your life’s vision and attain your goals with greater ease and peace of mind. Mary Rivas is the founder of WarriorSpiritAudio.com and the author of The Warrior Spirit: How To Use Mind Powers & Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and Much More. Mary dedicates her life to helping people discover their true power and experience life-changing breakthroughs.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Use Your Mind Powers Even If You Don't Meditate | Meditating Secret

Do you know that you can easily get all the benefits of meditation without "meditating"?

So what kind of benefits am I talking about?

*Increased mental abilities, learning abilities and concentration...

*Greater creativity, Ah-ha! experiences and increased intuition…

*Release of emotional blockages that sap your energy…

*Elimination of stress and stress-related symptoms such as sleeping problems, anxiety and frustration...

*Delay or reverse the aging process…

*AND Greater ability to manifest what you want...

In deep meditative states, you experience profound levels of relaxation and your brain wave patterns slow down. As your mind quiets down, you enter deep mind states that have amazing powers.   You can accelerate physical and emotional healing in ways that will absolutely amaze you.

Many people have the false belief that the only way to experience the benefits of meditation is to actually “meditate.”  A common misconception is that you need to sit in a certain position or repeat specific sounds AND do this for years before you get noticeable results.  There are types of meditative practices that you can do even while you walk.

Shamanic journeying is a powerful practice that you can do to experience the benefits of meditating without actually meditating.  You can learn this meditative-type practice easily and quickly--without spending months or years to gain the benefits.


Do you know that people who do meditating practices tend to have stronger problem-solving abilities than those who don’t?  They also tend to have increased creativity, concentration abilities and greater mental clarity.  Many scientists believe that in deeper mind states, we have the potential to use far more of our minds than the 10% that we commonly use.


Not only that, people who regularly experience deeper mind states through some form of meditating practice, also tend to have less fears, anxiety, frustration and sadness.
So what happens when you feel better emotionally?  You benefit from more satisfying personal and work relationships and an overall greater sense of well-being.


Do you know that each time you experience deep meditative states, your physical body undergoes amazing transformation?

Medical researchers have found that slower brain wave patterns, triggered by states of deep relaxation in meditating practices, dramatically affect the production of three important hormones related to both increased longevity and physical well-being: Cortisol, DHEA, and melatonin.

1. Cortisol is the major age-accelerating hormone within the brain, and has received a lot of attention recently due to Dr. Perricone’s anti-aging research. In deep states of relaxation, your cortisol level goes way down, which is good.

2. DHEA levels affect aging.  When DHEA levels are low, you age faster and are more susceptible to disease. You want higher DHEA levels to slow down again. Deeper mind states produce greater levels of DHEA.

3.  Melatonin is a hormone that helps to create deep, restful sleep.  It contributes to rejuvenation and slows down the aging process.  Melatonin increases in states of deep relaxation.

In slower brainwave patterns, the brain also produces increased levels of many beneficial brain chemicals, such as pleasure-causing endorphins that melt stress away.  So you can have greater happiness in your life when you learn how to quiet your mind!

A whole new world opens up to you when you learn to quiet your mind.


You can even manifest faster when you regularly do meditating practices.  Why does manifesting speed up when using deeper mind states?

In slower brain wave patterns, your typical mind filters are bypassed and your affirmations and envisioning go directly to your sub-conscious mind. When an idea takes root in deeper mind states, you create changes at a deep level.

The more you quiet your mind and access deeper levels of consciousness, the more you can access infinite knowledge…the more you can access that inner voice that’s always there to guide you in your life. 

Click here to see the video.

To learn more about this meditative practice or to get started journeying, visit the website link.

P.S.  Please share this post with friends and anyone you think can benefit from this information.

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