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WarriorSpiritAudio.com helps people use their hidden mind powers and ancient wisdom to achieve inspired goals. Ultimately, we help people live their lives more fully and with greater awareness of the mystery and magic of life. It’s not your typical self-help resource. It empowers individuals at a deeper level, at the core. By helping people strengthen their link with a higher force, the Warrior Spirit provides tools for real self-empowerment. Our mission is to help you live your life’s vision and attain your goals with greater ease and peace of mind. Mary Rivas is the founder of WarriorSpiritAudio.com and the author of The Warrior Spirit: How To Use Mind Powers & Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and Much More. Mary dedicates her life to helping people discover their true power and experience life-changing breakthroughs.

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 2012 – It’s Time to Really Commit To What You Want

The theme for May 2012 is commitment…but it’s probably not what you’re thinking…

Commitment is removing the back door, the escape route and the words “if”, “maybe” and “when” from your vocabulary. Commitment is moving into your future with no turning back and no escape hatch. Commitment is eliminating the worry and anxiety that comes with ambivalence, doubt, consideration and “too much thinking”. Commitment is a natural segway of any bid for power. A bid for power without a proper commitment to launch it is not a serious bid for power.

If your bid for power is to stop smoking, you can’t qualify it with “if I find the right program” or “when I get more of a handle on my life” or “maybe next week”. No, if you want to stop smoking you stop right now. You make a commitment that goes along with your bid for power. Once you commit 100 percent, then the program or other support will show up and you will begin to get a handle on your life.

It is the same thing for relationships or work or health. If your bid for power is to make a change in the direction that is better for you, then do it now without procrastination and without the ability to sneak out if it does not work. Most of the reason for something not working out is your lack of true commitment to it. All of you have made some bid for power last month whether you are aware of it or not. This is the month where you either commit to it or choose a new one that you can commit to.

There are two types of Commitment: Commitment that is unconscious and manifested by your actions rather than what you verbally intend.  And commitment that is consciously and deliberately planned for and chosen. The unconscious commitment is the one you may not be aware of but everyone else is by your actions around it.

A good example is someone who complains and complains about the nature of their relationship because it is not a good fit, and says they want something else, but ends up staying in the same relationship “until something better comes along”. This is not a serious bid for power for a new relationship and certainly not the way spirit works. This example is showing an action that the universe reads as a commitment and therefore will not provide another “better relationship” to take its place while the action shows a commitment to the current one. So this person may think they are bidding to change their circumstance but as long as they stay in the current relationship they are not serious about the change. If you are truly committed to changing your relationship dynamics you must show you are serious by becoming conscious about the ways you are showing commitment to the things you say you do not want.

Another example may be the person who says, I am on a diet, I intend to lose weight and really should not eat this piece of cake and then proceeds to eat it anyway. Are they serious about their bid for power to lose weight? Where is the commitment? Another example is the bid for power to have more fun and make more time for self. However if the person continues adding things that are not fun to their plate, they are showing by their actions that they are not truly committed to their intention and guess what, spirit will always give you more of what you are putting your energy into. This person may likely say, “I will make time when things slow down.” This is not good enough for spirit, as it is a conditional commitment and shows through action that the real commitment is something different than the spoken intention.

True commitment is unconditional, something we are not used to having or working with. Conditions create the “ifs”, “whens”, and “maybes” in our vocabulary. Placing conditions on your bid for power waters down the commitment to it and is like putting only your big toe in the water when you really intended to take a swim. Hesitancy, doubt, confusion, ambivalence, worry, anxiety, fear and mistrust, all take their toll on your ability to commit to something cleanly and clearly.

There are other ways that unconscious commitment manifests itself. If you get pregnant and decide you are keeping the child, you are committing to the relationship of being a parent. How many parents have there been that have never really consciously committed to this huge bid for power? And how many interesting and karmic issues are being dealt with and untangled because of it.

We could also say that just by being born you have committed to being on this planet, which is in itself a bid for power. Many of you out there are still a bit ambivalent about that one, and until you truly commit to being here, spirit will not support you in the most powerful way. You could say it was not your choice to be here, your parents decided it for you and so on… That is giving your power away and allowing Martyrdom to rule. The Martyrdom we have plaguing us this year is actually providing us with an opportunity to eliminate the inner victim by taking responsibility for our lives and our bids for power, and committing to what we want through our actions as adults. We also need to stop blaming others for things that don’t work out.

Look at your life and see if you can identify the commitments you find yourself in due to either taking action or not taking action. If you can’t in good conscience choose them as conscious commitments you have work to do. It is OK to eliminate or change the bids for power they represent as long as you communicate this clearly and are 100 percent committed to your withdrawing. If however you identify a commitment you were unconscious about but really want to keep then consciously commit to it 100 percent and you will see a big difference in how spirit begins to support your decision and that bid for power. Remember you do not have to know all the details of how things will manifest or what steps will show up. Your commitment is enough.

The opportunities this month:

Commitment, certainty, clarity, expansion, abundance, movement, manifestation, direction, support, insight and fulfillment.

The above is an excerpt from the monthly forecast.  The author of this commentary, Lena Stevens, is the co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and has written extensively about tips to increase personal energy.

Click here to access the full forecast.

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